Don’t we think the life of ants is pointless? Anything that we do is just carrying on some legacy left over by some random process. Why not just do random things?

Well seems like the life of ants is pointless. Life of dogs are pointless, and by that extension life of humans could also be said as pointless. So what?

But in the end of the day, what is the action you expect to see when your friend is walking on the road and an ice cream truck is about to hit him and he seems unaware of that?

Fuck everything that I am doing and jump my ass to save him. Whether it is a friend or some random guy, this is what we want to do. People are dying everywhere.

Looking at it in terms of impact, the question is basically saying, anything you do doesn’t matter, you are just fulfilling the legacy left by some random process.

I suspect I can never get an answer to such questions. The question basically asks to give up the whole humanness. But then if we give up our humanness, then we will just beeome a rock. An empty mind wiped off of all feelings, is a rock.

Let the answer be that life is pointless to a higher species. Let the answer be that ants life is pointless. Let everything be pointless.

How is this going to change what you are going to do?

Looking at this from an impacts perspective. What do we care about now? Number of lifes saved. Let’s say the answer to this question is that life is pointless, we are just satisfying a random process, do you hope to see any change in your action in the future. Will there be a change in the impact?

People are still gonna be hurting. It is still going to pain you. The arguments from last essay are still going to hold. How can I willingly tell all the people in pain that life is pointless so fuck off guys. Pain is fucking real bro. Is there a point of discussing this question further? It appears that there isnt. And these are questions for which there is no answer.

Look at a dog for example. it likes to run and fetch the toy, when I throw it. It likes running fast. Why would I want the dog to do anything else. It absolutely doesn’t make sense for what we want to do in life. Why not teach it programming. It can’t learn, but why not even try? Because it is a waste of time. But why not make the dog save lives? Because it is far-fetched.

The solution is not outside, btw. Its inside. No amount of solution from outside is going to help you. It doesn’t matter what others tell you. You will never listen to them. All you can go ahead with is the SITH.


Or why not do things that make you only happy for example? Women, sports, food etc… 1) “Father” promises to give you back 2) Sometimes feeling happy is not the thing that we are after. It is okay to take some pain, if you manage to save a life. It is okay to spend some money not for a vacation, but then imagine savinga dozen lives. Lives that thank you after the save.

This question is more like a lost cause. It seems to not matter according to the SITH, if you are happy sad or mad. All that matters to the SITH (US) is that we save as many lives as we can. SITH dictates everything. SITH seems to be all!

Why do we feel about south sudan for a very short time? And Why don’t we feel like doing anything about it?

I believe this has been answered several times over the essays. It seems to be our H&B’s such as availability, social proof seeming to take over. Visual stimulation gets us somewhere. But we are quick to be diverted by other things. Seemingly silly to the SITH, but very attractive to the H&B’s.

The one and only argument to every fucking question seems to be this: Life is a life. If a person is about to die, you will save him. When people are dying we cant bear it. We cant tell 40k people that it is ok for them to die. We know that 3rd world problems trump 1st world problems always. Everyone seems to want to help. But they are trusting to be emotionlay stimulated. God help all those kids who couldnt get the necessary coverage on media, to get their sad-ass life saved

What should we do in life, in general? Should we do random things, save lives, or kill ourselves, or just go by our circular preferences?

Bsed on the only argument we know, it apears that we should just go about maximizing impact. Else the situation will be that poor kids who could not get enough coverage on media might be dying.

We can’t do random things. There is a pattern to what we are doing. We are doing and can easily go by the H&B’s. But then the H&B’s are grossly misconstruing shit. I don’t think we can ever do random things. Again the only point that stays and makes sense is the one we know.

How much is a human life worth to you? How far are we expected to go to save a life? Lives in general seem to be worth much more. They are worth evrything that we give, such that we can adress oursleves to live a long life so that we can continue to give as much as we can. Again all of this based on that one single argument!