To be or not to be - FROZEN
Agent: I don’t want to die tomorrow. I want to live another day today. Tomorrow I will want to live another day. By that we can see that we would want to live as long as we possibly can.
Agent 2: But Mr. Agent, that’s stupid. You are not going to want to live when your old, full of diseases, with no friends, unable to take care of yourself and being a burden to everyone.
Agent: What if all of that could be solved? What if all of that could be minimized big time? What if you could live a normal peaceful life, being able to take care of yourself, and being able to go to work and chill.
By simply extrapolating, it seems like one would like to live as long as possible, in good health.
But what does your true value system want?
Basically, we freeze humans to preserve their bodies (with liquid N2), who are not able to be revived with the current medical facilities, in the hope that, as an advanced civilization, we are able to bring these people back to life again into the world.
The idea is that most of your brain’s information content is still intact right after you’ve “died”. If humans invent molecular nanotechnology or brain emulation techniques, it may be possible to reconstruct the consciousness of cryopreserved patients.
-Cryonics Wiki
Currently people who are frozen in this manner, cannot be revived. So what!
We need to understand the economics of being Frozen. Let’s go.
First impressions from readings and hearings
What a fucking crazy opportunity, considering you might want to live forever. Better yet, all your friends and family can stay with you, they don’t have to die. It’s so painful to see people die isn’t it? When your parents die, when your friends die, its fucking painful. But now maybe there is an opportunity for them to not die.
We have conquered many diseases over the past, currently working on solving bigger problems and that is not the only great news. In 1900’s average life expectancy was 31. Now it is 71.5. Why is it not right to be hopeful of what the future can do for us. Why is it too much to think that we can live as long as the folk of the shire (LOTR reference). It’s not too hard for me to imagine that we can keep doing better and better, and at one point of time when we are a completely advanced civilization, they can bring us back from our current state to live with them to the future.
If it is wrong to kill someone, it is wrong to not help them survive as well. Inaction or active action leading to the death of someone is still blood on our fucking hands. Isn’t it?
We don’t want to die. We hate it when our close ones die. We cry and shed tears and consider what we can do to save people when we see that they need help, even if we don’t know them. If that is the case, if your value system absolutely cannot tolerate death when it is fucking preventable. Imagine how happy your value system should feel, if no one needs to die. Imagine the power of this. People don’t need to die anymore Mr. Wayne! Don’t cry at a fucking funeral or fucking pick up your shit and do something about it. This is your chance. It seems to be in coherence with the idea that if death causes pain, and you don’t want death, and you wan’t to save as many lives as you can, then why not freeze them even if there is a small probability.
I love my parents. I recently wondered how life would be after they passed, it would be painful without them. Maybe there is hope. At this point I wonder if I will ever be able to convince my parents to get into cryonics rather than into the ground. Oh Fuck!
If you would want someone to not die, if there is something you can do about it, and if they indeed “die” why not freeze them. If [Elizer Yudkowsky], STM and so many others, see reason, then why not!
I remember when my friend told me the first time about this. I was like “OK”. Seems far fetched. Why would I want to spend money on prolonging my life! Things are different now. But its not just my life, you allow the science to grow, you create hope for many, you save lives from dying albeit in the future (how is that not valid). The power of this is much more than just saving yourself.
Open Issues
The cost to keep your body frozen vs other things you can do?
Probability of success with other examples
Criticisms: What to do after waking up from cryosleep