Pain - an analysis
Pain begins
A few months back, I started having this pain in my back and shoulder. I went to the physio, with for 4 weeks and have nothing to show of it.
In this post I discuss the origin of the pain. Since then I made a google doc, so that I could log my pain easily.
With this post, I would like to answer the following:
For shoulder and back, individually.
Am I getting better?
What is causing this pain?
How were the last 7 days?
Different regions and places of pain, even after completely quitting upper body work outs
Should I quit squats and deadlifts?
Was squats the reason for backpain?
Weeks 11 to 14
1-2 times leg press and deadlifts per week; 1 time basketball; 4 days of 20 mins cardio (220cal)/ week; 3-4 times shoulder physio.
Stopped upperbody and squat exercises.
Hypothesis back
Squats was the reason for back pain when waking up?
In Week 11 I stop squats. I guess it was quite bad, and that’s why I had to take the last thing that I loved doing. I still do 1-2 times/week of legpress max and deadlifts max.
Also in week-2 to 3, I only did squats as opposed to doing squats once and doing leg press the next time. I changed my grip to take it on the shoulder instead and stopped using the cushion for the shoulder since I went to India in week -3.
I sleep well nowadays, but with remanants of pain now and then show up.
Conclusion: Squats seems to have reduced the pain. YES
Squats the reason for remnant back pain during work?
Not sure, as they still remain from week 11 to week 14 and even now as I write this.
Even this Monday I felt the need to massage the shoulders.
Deadlifts the reason for bad back middle back?
Already have middle back pain
Week 11.2 –> middle back pain + deadlift eve
Week 12.1 –> deadlift
No written middle back pain
Week 12.5 –> Middle back pain in the morning. + deadlift eve
Week 13.2 –> Middle back pain
Conclusion for middle back: Seems to be not because of deadlifts.No
Deadlifts the reason for bad back?
2/4 days when deadlifts was done, morning wake up was higher pain than previous day.
Data might be insufficient. But how about not doing it for a week?
Week 12.5 to 13.4 are the gaps between 2 deadlifts; is better than Week 13.6 to 14.3. Week 13.5 I did something weird or some gas in my left back below shoulder. Not the typical pain I experience now and then.
Would like to conclude that deadlifts are fine, but I will continue to log.
Therefore: YES
Did stopping upperbody workout help reduce pain in shoulders?
Week 9.5 upper body was stopped.
Week 11.1 squats was stopped
Not sure, but I remember feeling a decent amount of strain on the shoulders while maxing out, so I stopped. Not sure
Is basketball causing shoulder pain
I can only comment about crazy shoulder pain when I can’t even lift a bottle.
Week 12.7 –> 3 hrs of Bball Week 13.1 to 13.3 –> cant lift 1.5 kg bottle with extended arm
Week 13.7 –> 3 hrs more intense ball Week 14.1 to 14.3 –> chill
For now ball is ruled out of heavy pain. So NO.
Did excercise help to reduce pain?
Not sure but sure as hell feels good.
I sort of max out. I still do hear clicks in my shoulder when I do it. I will show my last work out to my Phisio.
Number of pushups over time
Week 12.2 –> 4 slow bent pushups “Dont think it is doing better”
Week 12.4 –> 3 + 4(in pain)
Week 13.1 –> couldn’t lift 2 kg using right shoulder, possibly due to bad sleeping and not 3 hr basketball.
Week 14.2 –> 2 sets –> 1 set all bent pushups (last 4 2ish pain) –> 2nd set 3(bent) + 3 (90deg) stopped by fear.
Week 14.3 –> remanants of shoulder right, seen throughout the day.
Not clear if there is improvement or degradation
summary of regions of pain? neck craking seen now a days from time to time, shoulder blades are sore, can literally feel them, shoulder tops are sore from time to time, I try to massage them, pain in right shoulder sides is more, not during work I think.
Sleep well nowadays Feels like shoulder is better sometimes
Shoulder blades are now visible during work hours, less at wake up than what was in the begining
Am able to do more pushups, but the pain remaining the next day does not allow me to conclude anything useful.
Pain in different parts of the shoulder? what to do?
Still sometimes hear crack while bringing down weights.
I neck crack nowadays.
Shoulder blades, upper shoudlers are sore from time to time
What about bandages?
13.1 to 13.3 Shoulder pain where I could not lift weights (not reproducible)
13.4 left middle back gas?