
What should we be doing in life?

It’s clear from the Map vs Territory post, that we need to act and we need to act now, figure out what we need to do in life and proceed further. This post is not exactly a discovery of what we need to do, rather an explanation and a clarification from my side of the account posted in this blog.

Let’s say that there exists a solution to what we should be doing in life. This solution is somewhere in this world. Let’s say the solution is handed to you in a box and it tells you exactly what you should do. Let’s assume for now that the source is legitimate AF. You open and read it. Now what?

I guess the only thing that there is left to do is to perform actions as stated in the box?

Well, the solution could say many things, lets take a few for example:

  • “You need to kill 10 babies”
  • “You need to rape 10 people”
  • “You should kill everyone of your family members”
  • “You should buy a gun and start shooting everyone until all are dead”
  • “You should kill yourself”

I guess it is possible to imagine life where these solutions can make sense, but nevertheless, would I do it? There is no argument regarding the source for the solution. As informed earlier, it’s legitimate. The point with all the above statements is that no matter what, I don’t think I can go through with it.

Isn’t it what you should be doing in life? A Rational person would do what needs to be done, right?

I guess so, but I still don’t think that I can bring myself to do it. Even if it means doing something as simple as taking a blue pill that will alter my thoughts so that I can act according to the solution. Why?


From this we conclude that there are other factors or constraints on the set of possible solutions. Namely I should agree with the solution when it is presented. This constraint informs that I already have some mechanism inside me, that helps determine if I accept or reject the solution in the box. A solution in my head perhaps?

If the solution said, for example:

  • “Make sure to have a lot of social contact”
  • “Work out regularly”
  • “Help people out”
  • “Fuck women regularly”

The above tends to agree with the solution inside my head and I gladly accept it.

So the solution in the box should be in accordance with the solution inside my head for me to accept it. Then does it matter if I have the solution in the box or not?

Is the solution inside my head changing

It appears that this solution inside my head will direct what I do. Is the solution in my head hardcoded? Looking at the past it appears that at one time I was a staunch ass atheist, now I am averse to the concept of theism. I shifted my notion of an ideal job from a steady low paying government job in India, to a job where I can frequently take mini-retirements, to a 4 day work-week job in Netherlands, to making shit-loads-of-money irrespective of the timings. Gays are an unnatural set in this world, to its just that “thats how they are oriented, so what?”. Like I was on two sides of the coin, why did the solution in my head allow for both although at different times? Does this mean the solution inside my head can be changed?

It appears that the solution inside my head allows for change, it can evolve, for example with reasons. I had to change sides from theism to Atheism when presented with large amount of evidence. It was completely arbitrary why I was a theist. Changing of the previously accepted solution in the light of new evidence seems to be part of the solution in my head. Looking at evidence to uncover more of the solution in my head seems to be part of the solution inside my head. So in that case I do not know the solution in my head completely. Its like a Map roughly marked out with some basic (eg., I need food and shelter), absolutely not to scale. A large region of the Map is unmarked (now that I have food and shelter what exactly should I do?). It gets filled with information of the Territory, as you discover more and more evidence.

Does it matter what the solution in the box is? It seems rather important that I uncover more of the solution inside my head. As the solution in the box will be judged by the solution inside my head anyway. Uncovering the solution in my head seems to uncover what I would need to do. And guess what, even that is part of the solution in my head.

Now what? How exactly do you uncover the solution inside your head? Adutha postil sandhikyum varai ungalidam vidaperuvadhu ungal agent!

In Summary

It appears that there is a solution inside your head. You always seem to use the solution inside your head to judge if a solution is accepted or not. The Solution in your head can evolve, say for example with reasons, evidence etc. Uncovering this solution inside my head i.e, filling the Map with actual information from Territory, seems to be the direction to go.

P.S Struggled like hell with this essay! Even though it was beautifully uncovered in this blog. Used a lot of content from that post.

And Yes I didn’t deliver the two posts! Sorry bou dah!